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2024 4-H at the Minnesota State Fair

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Viewing records 3601-3650 of 6451
Results last updated at: 01/21/2025 11:02 AMUpdating
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
General Exhibits / Video and Filmmaking / Video / Filmmaking - Grades 6-8
2138 Messerli, Mia 2879 claymation video Blue Benton Duelm
3032 Mahoney, Asher 4204 Stop motion video - Timmy's Life Blue Dakota Eagan Encores
3699 Nienhuis, Nya 7419 Blue Community Impact Recognition Carver
General Exhibits / Video and Filmmaking / Video / Filmmaking - Grades 9+
613 Speltz, Tabitha 671 Poster/video on making educational shooting sports archery arrows. MP4 on memory stick. Blue Community Impact Recognition Chisago North Stars
1017 Koberoski, Ryan 1256 A video edited and filmed about a cross country meet Blue Community Impact Recognition Watonwan Independent - Watonwan County
1624 Henry, Robbie 2090 Steel Comanders music video Red Roseau Green Acres
4066 Kosek, Nicholas 5728 video trailer of online game "Dark Decline" I'll be selling online through Steam this year Blue McLeod Lake Marion Lakers
4121 Lange, Lacie 5797 QR code showing the growth of a Rhode Island Red Chicken Blue Community Impact Recognition Douglas Liberty Livewires
General Exhibits / Wildlife Biology / Wildlife / Biology - Grades 6-8
124 Koval, Landon 82 Wood duck house on a pole Blue Todd Soaring Eagles
523 Anderson, Owen 499 Poster of skull identification carnivore/herbivore/omnivore. Red Chisago Chisago Northern Lights
652 Larson, Esther 742 Poster describing bird migration in North America Blue Isanti Undecided - please contact me - Isanti County
1187 Hunter, Mya 1498 "Frog Hotel" - frog PVC housing with rock and plants Blue Olmsted Eyota Wonder Workers
1903 Hagen, Canaan 2503 Wooden shadow box with 5 animal tracks inside & binder Red Fillmore Challenging Workers
2134 McKay, Luke 2872 trifold display about bullfrogs Purple Benton St Pat's
2162 Stith, Porter 2911 Wood Duck Carving with binder explaining the steps of carving a duck out of cork. Blue Anoka Undecided - please contact me - Anoka County
2435 Dehkes, Molly 3348 Information on bees and beekeeping Red Pine Kinderwood Farmers
2501 Knutson, Wyatt 3432 Stained duck house Red Cottonwood Springfield Sparklers
2749 Klockziem, Jake 3774 Black tri-fold board entitled "Deer Sheds and Dead Heads" with 5 antler pieces attached. It describes how antlers develop. Blue Nicollet Nicollet
2999 Hansey, Troy 4148 Cardboard tri-fold display with wood duck information and information about building a wood duck house. A wooden duck house with a cat tail picture wood burned on the front. Blue Dakota Douglas
3792 Reith, Tyler 5369 Black foam poster - Rocky Mountain Elk polter Blue Murray Bondin Belfast
4097 Fuglseth, Greta 5773 Wildlife biology/management monarch tagging poster Blue Douglas Moe
4125 Lusty, Jaylyn 5800 Turkey tail picture frame mount Purple Douglas Fancy Farmers
General Exhibits / Wildlife Biology / Wildlife / Biology - Grades 9+
68 Rudolph, Everett 37 Deer hide Blue Morrison Snappy Elmdalers
287 Hoeper, Asher 156 White tail deer 3-side display Red Wadena Leaf River Builders
368 Volovsek, Molly 269 A poster board of trumpeter swans including description, diet,habitat etc. Blue Waseca Riverside Ramblers
812 Kremer, Charlie 952 tri-fold board titled "Citizen Science" Blue Wright Monticello Monarchs
987 Klinkner, Joshua 1215 POster and board displaying bass lures Blue Watonwan Riverdale Rockets
1006 Nosbusch , Kayleigh 1241 a binder book that includes facts and a bird study on trumpetor swans Blue Jackson Petersburg Willing Workers
1243 Hagemeister, Mae 1563 Poster board on Super Pigs. Titled Super Pig: Not a Hero Blue Otter Tail - West Amor
1394 Bureau, Martin 1767 Tri-fold poster "Martens by Martin" Blue Olmsted Interstate Hi-Flyers
2631 Banister, Kallista 3612 3-ring binder consisting of information about wildlife in Minnesota Purple Stevens Hodges
3648 Bailey, Greta 5127 White & green foldout posterboard with goat. Picture on the front with a black title saying "What is conservation grazing?" Blue Community Impact Recognition Brown Milford
3932 Lavan, Grace 5531 tri-fold poster about Gray Wolves Purple Carlton Esko Cloverleaf
General Exhibits / Youth Leadership / Youth Leadership - Grades 6-8
692 Winrich, Allie 799 Preesntation board (white on outside) titled "Ag in the Classroom", black binder Blue Community Impact Recognition Watonwan Nifty Thrifty
1358 Bureau, Louis 1706 "My Adventures as Skit Directory" & 3-ring binder Blue Community Impact Recognition Olmsted Interstate Hi-Flyers
2436 Beam, Addison 3349 Project board about conservation project with O.W.L.S. Community Event Blue Community Impact Recognition Pine PC Dragon
2673 Lindula, Hailey 3666 Calming Corner. A space created at the county fair for people of any age to find a safe quiet space to decompress. Purple St. Louis - North NSL Livestock Project Club
2902 Nelson, Savannah 4002 Board with the 4-H Pledge that can be displayed at our club meetings, for the new or young members who don't have it memorized yet. Blue Community Impact Recognition Crow Wing Daggett Brook
2950 Knutson, Ella 4081 A poster titled "I Wish I had a Horse Camp" Blue Community Impact Recognition Kandiyohi Little Crow
4347 Moriarty, Imogen 6094 Title page that has flowers and labeled Imogen Blue Community Impact Recognition Lyon Minneota Ribbon Wranglers
General Exhibits / Youth Leadership / Youth Leadership - Grades 9+
352 Myers, Alexis 245 My service to the community in the last year. Purple Waseca Riverside Ramblers
532 Chapman, Freya 510 Horseless horse mentorship binder. Purple Community Impact Recognition Chisago Excelsior
1361 Johnson, Brianna 1708 posterboard of ignite info/pics Blue Marshall Riverside
1555 Blashack, Nathan 2014 2024 YELLO plan/schedule booklet Blue Otter Tail - East Independent - EOT County
2686 Smith, Amy 3694 Tri-fold poster about the Ranch Riding Clinic I organized & assisted with Blue Mower Southside
2844 Schaefer, Echo 3922 Three fold display board titled "My State Ambassador Journey" Blue Community Impact Recognition Stevens Pep & Progress
3326 Rice, Alyssa 4611 binder with pages Blue Goodhue Willing Welchers
3485 Jarosch, Addison 4831 Developing a new 4-H club showing with Kaylee Kent (Co-leader) Blue Washington Independent - Washington County
3489 Kent, Kaylee 4835 The leash league developing a new 4h club. Showing with Addition Jarosch co-leader. Blue Washington Independent - Washington County
3965 Shaw, Cody 5583 Peregrine falcon presentation & kestrel next box kits and food drive organized by a youth to benefit community. Purple Steele Meriden Meadowlarks