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2024 4-H at the Minnesota State Fair

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Viewing records 3351-3400 of 6451
Results last updated at: 01/21/2025 11:02 AMUpdating
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
General Exhibits / Plant Science / Corn - Grades 9+
4183 Rath, Parker 5873 corn Blue McLeod Acoma Acorns
General Exhibits / Plant Science / Forages - Grades 6-8
3103 Dicke, Trevin 4314 Forage - dry hay sample Blue Goodhue Belvidere Happy-Go-Luckies
General Exhibits / Plant Science / Forages - Grades 9+
2213 Marsh, Chloe 3003 gallon bag of corn silage Blue Clearwater Jack Pine Pals
2428 Anderson, Breckin 3334 One slab second cutting dry hay Purple Wilkin Kent Quad-H
General Exhibits / Plant Science / Plant and soil science - Grades 6-8
542 Hinderman, Liam 535 Soil PH Blue Chisago Whispering Pines
2038 Eickhoff, Elsa 2741 Great Pumpkin Trivia Tri-Fold and Giant Pumpkin Binder Purple Fillmore Challenging Workers
2899 Scheirer, Amaris 4001 gray PVC structure for hydroponics Blue Lake Big Dippers Silver Bay After School
3290 Holz, Matthew 4565 Hydroponics growing system poster Blue Goodhue Cloverdale
General Exhibits / Plant Science / Plant and soil science - Grades 9+
1379 Kellen, Emily 1861 Argentina essay Purple Big Stone Beardsley Go-Getters
1748 Loe, Molly 2307 Tri-fold poster early corn growth & development Blue Chippewa Chippewa Champs
2872 Larson, Avery 4041 Insights from crop simulation under future climate change Blue Crow Wing Independent - Crow Wing County
4181 Quast, Julia 5868 trifold poster explaining soil organic matter fractions Purple Community Impact Recognition McLeod Winsted Jolly Juniors
4191 Scholten, Benton 5882 Project board - Large weed suppression Blue Douglas Lake Mary Troopers
General Exhibits / Plant Science / Small Grains - Grades 6-8
1398 Tulibaski, Declan 1761 1 bag of small grain wheat Blue Marshall Argyle Area Hustlers
General Exhibits / Plant Science / Soybeans - Grades 6-8
1015 Spitzner, Samuel 1252 Soybean sample with note cards Blue Watonwan Rosendale Skippers
General Exhibits / Plant Science / Soybeans - Grades 9+
2533 Werner, Teagen 3468 Jar of soybeans grown by hand selection Blue Cottonwood Highwater Lads & Lassies
3973 Steckelberg, Grady 5594 gallon mason jar of soybeans with index card of information Red Steele Merry Lane
General Exhibits / Quilting / Quilting - Grades 6-8
142 Woeste, Brooklyn 105 Grey/beige/blues with deer and miscellaneous squares Blue Todd Soaring Eagles
289 Hopp, Chauncey 158 Deer panel quilt measuring 61.5 'x 61.5' Blue Wadena Wadena Juniors
404 Storm, McKenzie 328 90 x 90 quilt Purple Winona Little Valley Victors
744 Kuehn, Chloe 860 Willow fabric, queen-sized quilt Blue Redwood Valley Blazers
998 Nelson, Aubrie 1230 quilt, has her name on the back in the corner. White/Red/Blue has a hanger Blue Jackson Heron Landers
1388 Schmidt, Sophie 1746 56x84 quilt, blue fabrics, "yellow brick road" pattern Purple Otter Tail - West Fergus 4-H
1521 Hennen, Rose 1974 top of quilt is jean material, batting is cotton, bottom is red truck w green grass and American flags, jean pockets in a diagonal pattern Blue Pope Lakes Area Leaders
1580 Dobratz, Autumn 2041 Mountain and snowmobile square quilt Blue Otter Tail - East Country Bumpkins
1746 Avenson, Hunter 2259 Queen size quilt- Buck and a truck fall colors Blue Hubbard Stony Lake Beavers 4-H Club
2006 Barth, Sydney 2662 Teal/Purple/Pink/White Wall hanging with wool painted cats Purple Fillmore Harmony Helping Hands
2042 Myers, Alexander 2719 24 Square Woodland/Americana Twin Quilt Purple Anoka Cloverleaf
2111 Kaschmitter, Emma 2837 purple and gray window pane quilt w/light purple sashing Blue Benton Pioneers
2404 Taylor, Charlotte 3295 Baby Quilt. Pieced Quilt:29"x38" Blue Community Impact Recognition Anoka Rapid Rascals
2489 Sis, Alexander 3418 blue/grey/camo blue w/navy blue border Blue Stearns Breezy Pines
2512 Trebesch, Elsie 3444 French vanilla pattern, dinosaur fabric, bright color, white grunge background and purple binder Blue Brown Burnstown/Brookville
2675 Fluegge, Emmalie 3671 Lap sized white and pink chain pattern quilt Purple Community Impact Recognition Nicollet Bernadotte
2744 Wainio, Gilbert 3769 Star Wars quilt, do the shuffle pattern Red Ramsey Matoska Mariners
2931 Fosso, Emma 4055 118" x 109" "Quilt Minnesota". Colors: reds, blues, and greens Purple Kandiyohi Fahlun Go-Getters
3139 Schwartz, Emma 4363 Blue and purple quilted table runner - 3' - 4' long (?) Red Dakota Eagan Encores
3380 DeMenge, Eleanor 4677 Barnyard quilt Blue Aitkin Busy Beavers
3830 Kneeland, Macie 5416 Race car t shirt quilt Blue Martin Elm Creek
3996 Wencl, Cameron 5630 "Wencl Farms" est. 1912 black and white checker border. 4 milk cans (windmill cow Life is better on the farm. Home is where the herd is.) Color is white, gray, black. Blue Steele Merry Lane
4144 Hatfield, Isaiah 5823 colorful queen sized quilt, black flared back Blue Swift Dublin Victory
4357 Hennen, Jaylin 6123 Blanket deer print with grey on other side Blue Douglas Chippewans
General Exhibits / Quilting / Quilting - Grades 9+
46 Fellbaum, Paige 24 String of Lights quilt Purple Morrison
654 Lenzmeier, Ella 745 Black and Tzal gradient quilt. Blue Isanti Wild River Pioneers
1065 Burkman, Klarissa 1313 Orange, teal, and black quilted wall hanging in star pattern, approximately 42"x42" Blue Rock County K-9s
1132 Keehr, Isabelle 1407 Dinosaur quilt in various blues and greens with a 2-sided plastic explanation of steps taken Blue Kanabec Sharpshooters
1161 Lawver, Megan 1451 Blue and white optical illusion quilt with binder Purple Blue Earth New Horizons
1505 Ahnemann, Becca 1950 lap quilt with green, cream, and gray fabric tied. Binder of project Blue Freeborn Conger
1795 Bitzer, Miley 2340 A baby quilt that has a dog appliqued on it. Blue Anoka Independent - Anoka County
1854 McCloud, Evelyn 2443 Lap quilt-criss cross chain lap quilt (mainly blue, with orange and red squares, multicolor back) Blue Hubbard Green Valley Livewires 4-H Club
2012 Barth, Caleb 2673 White Wall Hanging with Red, Blue, Green and Purple Hearts Purple Fillmore Harmony Helping Hands