Welcome To The Niagara County 4-H Fair Entry Page.

Please see below for tips and instructions on entering exhibits online through our new Fair Entry system. Each exhibit MUST be entered into this system to be eligible to enter at the Niagara County Fair and qualify for The New York State Fair.

Online Entry due dates: DO NOT WAIT TILL LAST DAY!! :)

Animal Online Entries (Beef, Dairy Cattle, Goats, Sheep and Swine) due June 16
Animal Online Entries (Rabbits, Cavy, Poultry, Dogs and Cats) due July 1
Equine Online Entries due July 14
Training Center Exhibits Entries due July 14

Tips for Exhibitors Making Online Entries:

  • Recommended browsers: Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Older versions of Internet Explorer may cause unexpected behavior.
  • You will need a 4-H online password and your family email to enter Fair Entry. If you are new or have forgotten your password, click the "forgot password" link to be sent to 4-H online. The family email is the one listed on your 4-H registration (where you get Tuesday Tidbits.) Once you have your password reset, come back to Fair Entry and log in.
  • Register all entries for each exhibitor in the family before proceeding to the Payment section. There is no charge for entering - it will show zero.
  • Be sure to click the “Submit” button when you have completed your entries. Entries are not final until they have been submitted.
  • Check your email inbox for a confirmation email with a list of your entries.
  • You will receive a second email when your entries have been approved by your fair.
  • * EQUINE ENTRY TIP* Add/choose one animal with corresponding classes at a time. Create entries before moving to next animal

Written help directions for family entries:

FairEntry.Family.Entries4HO.Sept2021 (1).docx

3 minute how to video on entering exhibits:


See you at the fair!! Good luck!

As always, please contact the 4-H Office with any questions at 433-8839 or email hmk3@cornell.edu OR ckw38@cornell.edu