Welcome to the 2025 Montgomery County Fair Online Registration!
Please login to the right to register:
Option 1: If you are a 4-H member, you can use your 4-H Online login Id & password.
Option 2: If you are not a 4-H Member and registered last year, you will need to use that same username and password to login
Option 3: If you are not a 4-H Member and are newly registering you will need to create a fair entry account.
You will only require one account PER HOUSEHOLD. You will be able to add family members once your account is set-up.
Click here to check out the Montgomery County Fair website for rules, classes and additional information. Please make entries for ALL family members before submitting your registration.
If you run into issues, please contact us via email at montgomerycofair@gmail.com or if you are in need of immediate assistance from 8am-7pm, you may call or text Chasity at
573-694-6054.Please do not hesitate to contact me!
July 1st - 4-H Projects, Jr. Market Livestock*, Bucket Calf* and Camping**
July 12th - Cornhole*, Winner Winner Chicken Dinner*, Ag Mechanics, Farm Crops, Fine Arts, Floriculture, Household Arts, MoCoFa, Open Livestock Shows*, Photography and Quilts.
IF you are unable to use the FairEntry system, call Chasity for other options at 573-694-6054.)
* - Denotes Events required a Monetary Fee to enter
** - Denotes - Livestock exhibitors and fair volunteers will have first rights to camping spots. Any non-livestock camper will only be allowed to camp if spots are still available. Camping will be on a first-registered basis. Spots ARE Limited!
All event results will be posted once finalized!
If you don't have a 4HOnline account, sign-in with your FairEntry account: