*ATTENTION MCLEAN COUNTY EXHIBITORS: Please read this message carefully!*

We are counting on you, our 4-H members and families, as well as our staff and volunteers to help make this fair season a safe and successful one!

Tips for Exhibitors Making Online Entries:

  • Recommended browsers: Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Older versions of Internet Explorer may cause unexpected behavior.
  • REMEMBER: You must create a new account to login to FairEntry.com if you are new to McLean County 4-H. You can no longer login using the 4HOnline credentials. If you created an account last year, you can log in with those credentials.
  • Register all entries for each exhibitor in the family before proceeding to the Payment section (registering for 4-H projects do not have a cost).
  • Once all exhibitors and entries have been added be sure to click the “Submit” button when you have completed your entries. Entries are not final until they have been submitted.
  • Check your email inbox for a confirmation email with a list of your entries.

LIVESTOCK YOUTH : Any livestock youth wanting to receive premiums and awards for both the 4-H Show at the McLean County Fair and the Junior Show at the McLean County Fair must register for both exhibition opportunities separately. Youth must register for the Junior Show at www.mcleancountyfair.org and the 4-H Show HERE. Entry/registration for one show does not guarantee entry in the other.

Youth who are not registered for the 4-H Show by the Fair Registration Deadline will only be eligible to participate in Junior Show, and will only receive participation awards for the 4-H side of the show. This means they will not receive Champion Project Awards or premiums if they do not complete 4-H Show Registration on FairEntry.com

FairEntry Exhibitor, Staff Sign-In

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