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2024 Martha's Vineyard Agricultural Fair

Fair Results Back

Viewing records 651-700 of 1507
Results last updated at: 01/21/2025 10:00 AMUpdating
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
104-Swine / Purebred / 00002: Sow, under 1 year
300 Douglas, Jo 581 Idaho Pasture Pig gilt named Slipper 2nd
300 Douglas, Jo 582 Idaho Pasture Pig gilt named Rainbow 3rd
104-Swine / Purebred / 00004: Barrow, under 1 year
300 Douglas, Jo 577 8 month old Idaho Pasture Pig barrow named Prescott 3rd
300 Douglas, Jo 578 8 month old Idaho Pasture Pig barrow named Cheetah 2nd
300 Douglas, Jo 579 Idaho Pasture Pig barrow named Zebra 1st
104-Swine / Swines, Grades / 00001: Sow & Litter
1174 Fisher, Fred 3179 Grade Yorkshire & Litter 1st
104-Swine / Swines, Grades / 00002: Sow, under 1 year
462 Farm, Slough 2348 7 week old 3/4 GOS 1st
462 Farm, Slough 2370 7 week old GOS 2nd
462 Farm, Slough 2379 7 week old GOS 3rd
104-Swine / Swines, Grades / 00004: Barrow, under 1 year
462 Farm, Slough 2359 7 week old GOS 3rd
462 Farm, Slough 2375 7 week old GOS 2nd
462 Farm, Slough 2381 45 1st
104-Swine / Swines, Grades / 00007: Barrow, over 1 year
1174 Fisher, Fred 3187 Grade Yorkshire 2nd
106-Sheep, Llamas, & Alpacas / Not Purebred Sheep / 00001: 3 Ewes, aged over 2 years
786 Whiting, Allen 1940 3 Ewes, aged over 2 years 2nd
106-Sheep, Llamas, & Alpacas / Not Purebred Sheep / 00007: 1 Ewe, aged over 2 years
555 Liman, Doug 1355 Bacon and Charlie keep twice widowed Ruby company 2nd
555 Liman, Doug 1356 Bacon and Charlie keep twice widowed Ruby company 1st
106-Sheep, Llamas, & Alpacas / Not Purebred Sheep / 00015: 1 Ewe and lamb(s)
786 Whiting, Allen 1942 1 Ewe and lamb(s) 1st
106-Sheep, Llamas, & Alpacas / Purebred Sheep - Rams must be pure bred / 00001: Ram, aged (over 1yr)
462 Farm, Slough 1548 Monty the tunis ram 1st
106-Sheep, Llamas, & Alpacas / Purebred Sheep - Rams must be pure bred / 00002: Ram, 6 months to 1 year
462 Farm, Slough 1550 pancake the tunis ram lamb 2nd
462 Farm, Slough 1551 french fry is a cute tunis ram lamb 1st
107-Poultry / Any Type Cross / 00002: Hen
1069 Mulcahy, Danielle 2801 Gigi: Silkie and English Orington cross 1st
1197 Bailey, Cord 3270 3 yo Americana-Mix hen 2nd
1197 Bailey, Cord 3286 3 yo Americana-Mix hen 3rd
107-Poultry / Any Type Cross / 00003: Cockerel
1069 Mulcahy, Danielle 2855 Lenny H. Mulcahy: English Orpington and Brahma cross 1st
107-Poultry / Bantams / 00002: Hen
490 Agnew, Ezra 1101 "Chicki Minaj" - Black Silkie 3rd
489 DeBettencourt, Kelley 1105 "Ripley" - Paint Silkie Chicken 1st
914 Schellhammer, Melissa 2284 Flurry 2nd
107-Poultry / Bantams / 00004: Pullet
692 marchien, noni 4365 1st
107-Poultry / Ornamental Breeds / 00002: Hen
1069 Mulcahy, Danielle 2830 Silkie Burb: Silkie bantam 1st
107-Poultry / Purebred / 00001: Cock
1197 Bailey, Cord 3257 1 yo Buff Orphington rooster 2nd
107-Poultry / Purebred / 00002: Hen
1069 Mulcahy, Danielle 2811 Shulie: Serama 1st
1197 Bailey, Cord 3264 5 yo Leghorn hen 2nd
1197 Bailey, Cord 3295 3 yo Rhode Island Red hen 3rd
107-Poultry / Purebred / 00005: Trio, Cock & 2 Hens
1069 Mulcahy, Danielle 2787 Brahma Rooster, Two Brahma Hens 1st
108-Other Fowl & Wildlife / Hares & Rabbits / 00002: Meat Doe, over 1 yo
1211 Hearn, Laura 3253 F- Silver Fox Mix 1st
108-Other Fowl & Wildlife / Hares & Rabbits / 00006: Fur Doe, over 1 yo
773 Whitney, Debbie 1926 Netherland Dwarf named Sweets 1st
109-Adult Island & Special Exhibts / Commerical Island & Spec. Exhi / 00002: Com- Disp Vineyard Org
218 Draheim, Megan 377 Interactive poster with information about sharks, Mass Audubon, and Felix Neck. 1st
519 ., Martha's Vineyard Shellfish Group, Inc. 1360 Martha's Vineyard Shellfish Group: 48 years of preserving and expanding the Island's traditional shell fisheries. 3rd Dukes
1286 ., Island Grown Initiative 3514 regenerative farming and cover crops 2nd
109-Adult Island & Special Exhibts / Commerical Island & Spec. Exhi / 00005: Com - Conservation Nat Resourc
1198 Noah Froh, Sheriff's Meadow Foundation 3228 Trifold poster displaying current and upcoming projects related to accessible trails on Martha's Vineyard. 1st
109-Adult Island & Special Exhibts / General / 00002: Vineyard Organization
377 ., Featherstone Knitters' Circle 762 Featherstone Flock where birds of a feather knit together 1st
378 ., Martha's Vineyard Garden Club 764 Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Old Mill 2nd
1200 Camp Jabberwocky, , 3230 Camp Jabberwocky Pottery Class. Wall Hangings and Various Bowls + Sculptures 2nd
109-Adult Island & Special Exhibts / General / 00007: Best Solution to Environmental Problem
34 Wiseman, Chesley 1904 Up-cycled Lobster Trap Wreath 2nd
110-Fleece / Sheep / 00001: White
1358 Arciaga, Tripp 3834 border leicester fleece 3rd
1358 Arciaga, Tripp 3844 border leicester fleece 3rd
1358 Arciaga, Tripp 3847 border leicester fleece 2nd
1358 Arciaga, Tripp 3850 border leicester fleece 1st
111-Handicraft / Carving / 00001: Woodcarving
426 Sankey, William 889 Trumpet vines and a hummingbird 2nd
542 Convery, Leo 1329 striped bass couple, caught in a magic moment, dancing on an enchanted beach, to music only they can hear. 3rd Dukes