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2024 Washakie County Fair

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Viewing records 751-800 of 2028
Results last updated at: 01/21/2025 11:12 AMUpdating
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
FFA / FFA Agriculture Mechanics / 02: Small wood project
86 Draper, Breanna 496 Wood coffee Blue Chief Washakie FFA
86 Draper, Breanna 517 Lane frost Red Chief Washakie FFA
FFA / FFA Agriculture Mechanics / 03: Medium wood project
80 Baumstarck, Ellianna 472 Corn hole boards Banner's Best Blue Ribbon Chief Washakie FFA
80 Baumstarck, Ellianna 472 Corn hole boards Blue Chief Washakie FFA
FFA / FFA Agriculture Mechanics / 08: Small metal project
86 Draper, Breanna 514 Roses Blue Chief Washakie FFA
86 Draper, Breanna 515 Towel rack #1 Blue Chief Washakie FFA
86 Draper, Breanna 516 Towel rack #2 Red Chief Washakie FFA
Open Class - B - Poultry / Bantam Chickens / 481: Bantams Any Other, cock, male hatched prior to current year
48 Haun, Ryder 2096 Taco bell Red
48 Haun, Ryder 2097 Buck Blue
Open Class - B - Poultry / Bantam Chickens / 484: Bantams Any Other, pullet, female hatched during current year
48 Haun, Ryder 2110 Leaha Blue
Open Class - B - Poultry / Bantam Children's Chickens / 484: Bantams Any Other, pullet, female hatched during current year
254 Yager, Zoe 1858 Blue
257 Bush, Harlow 1880 Seabright Red
Open Class - B - Poultry / Chickens / 025: Brahmas, cock, male hatched prior to current year
48 Haun, Ryder 2104 Blondie Blue
Open Class - B - Poultry / Chickens / 037: Cochins, cock, male hatched prior to current year
48 Haun, Ryder 2102 Marv Blue
Open Class - B - Poultry / Chickens / 039: Cochins, cockerel, male hatched during current year
48 Haun, Ryder 2093 Lil Dude Purple
Open Class - B - Poultry / Chickens / 052: Dominiques, pullet, female hatched during current year
286 Berry, Olivia 2075 Snuggles Blue Washakie
286 Berry, Olivia 2076 Silly Red Washakie
Open Class - B - Poultry / Chickens / 061: Games, cock, male hatched prior to current year
90 Tapia, Ava 549 Frost Grey Old English game Blue
Open Class - B - Poultry / Chickens / 062: Games, hen, female hatched prior to current year
121 Shaffer, Victoria 2575 Game Hen Blue Washakie
Open Class - B - Poultry / Chickens / 128: Polish, hen, female hatched prior to current year
48 Haun, Ryder 2106 Ditzy Blue
Open Class - B - Poultry / Chickens / 134: Rhode Island Reds, hen, female hatched prior to current year
121 Shaffer, Victoria 2572 Rhode Island Blue Washakie
Open Class - B - Poultry / Chickens / 176: Any Other, hen, female hatched prior to current year
121 Shaffer, Victoria 2573 Hen Blue Washakie
121 Shaffer, Victoria 2574 Hen Red Washakie
Open Class - B - Poultry / Children's Chickens / 016: Araucanas, pullet, female hatched during current year
257 Bush, Harlow 1830 Araucana Blue
Open Class - B - Poultry / Children's Chickens / 026: Brahmas, hen, female hatched prior to current year
257 Bush, Harlow 1882 Dark Brahma White
259 Bush, Mabel 1888 Buff Braham Red
227 Larson, Areya 2438 white brahma Blue
Open Class - B - Poultry / Children's Chickens / 038: Cochins, hen, female hatched prior to current year
259 Bush, Mabel 1887 Buff Cochin Blue
Open Class - B - Poultry / Children's Chickens / 040: Cochins, pullet, female hatched during current year
257 Bush, Harlow 1883 Blue Cochin Blue
Open Class - B - Poultry / Children's Chickens / 130: Polish, pullet, female hatched during current year
254 Yager, Zoe 1860 Red
254 Yager, Zoe 2534 Blue
Open Class - B - Poultry / Children's Chickens / 176: Any Other, hen, female hatched prior to current year
259 Bush, Mabel 1885 Isa Brown White
259 Bush, Mabel 1889 Easter Egger Red
259 Bush, Mabel 1890 Olive Egger Blue
Open Class - B - Poultry / Children's Chickens / 178: Any Other, pullet, female hatched during current year
254 Yager, Zoe 1859 White
254 Yager, Zoe 1861 Purple
254 Yager, Zoe 1862 Red
Open Class - B - Poultry / Children's Other Poultry / 068: Ducks, Runner, adult female
257 Bush, Harlow 1881 Blue Runner Duck Blue
Open Class - B - Poultry / Eggs / 01: Jumbo brown eggs
4 Noland, Aspyn 1832 Beautiful large free range eggs from hand mixed feed. Purple
346 Bishop, Jeff 2632 Brown eggs from 1 year old Bielefelder cage-free urban hens. Blue
Open Class - B - Poultry / Eggs / 02: Jumbo white eggs
346 Bishop, Jeff 2633 White eggs from 1 year old California Whites (hybrid breed) cage free urban hens. Blue
Open Class - B - Poultry / Eggs / 03: Large brown eggs
33 Ray, Mackenzie 1307 Large Brown Eggs Blue
33 Ray, Mackenzie 1311 Farm Fresh Eggs Red
333 Robbins, Joshua 2585 Brown Eggs Red
Open Class - B - Poultry / Eggs / 05: Small brown eggs
33 Ray, Mackenzie 1308 Farm Fresh Brown Eggs Red
33 Ray, Mackenzie 1313 Farm Fresh Eggs Blue
Open Class - B - Poultry / Eggs / 07: Any colored eggs
33 Ray, Mackenzie 1310 Farm Fresh Eggs Red
33 Ray, Mackenzie 1314 Farm Fresh Eggs Red
4 Noland, Aspyn 1833 Beautifully colored free range eggs from hand mixed feed. Blue
330 Robbins, Mandy 2410 Colored Eggs Purple