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2024 Central Wisconsin State Fair - Jr. Fair

Fair Results Back

Viewing records 3351-3400 of 3698
Results last updated at: 01/21/2025 11:12 AMUpdating
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
25J - Foods & Nutrition / Class B - Grades 6-8 / 03: M & M cookies (plate of 3)
480 Lange, Emerson 4864 Pink Wood Snyder 4-H
25J - Foods & Nutrition / Class B - Grades 6-8 / 04: Snickerdoodles, may be sugared (plate of 3)
97 James, Reid 780 Blue First Blue Wood Golden Glow 4-H
235 Van Hoof, Lyra 2255 Red Wood Shady Lane 4-H
386 Weiler, Kamryn 3953 Red Wood Golden Glow 4-H
430 Juedes, Makayla 4345 Blue Wood McMillan Mavericks 4-H
480 Lange, Emerson 4865 White Wood Snyder 4-H
491 Maleport, Khloe 4938 White Wood Wittenberg Workers 4-H
511 Hicks, Darcy 5056 Pink Wood Shady Lane 4-H
25J - Foods & Nutrition / Class B - Grades 6-8 / 05: Chocolate chip bars (plate of 3, 2x2)
54 Stanton, Elsie 381 Red Wood Badger 4-H
235 Van Hoof, Lyra 2251 Red Wood Shady Lane 4-H
386 Weiler, Kamryn 3950 Blue Wood Golden Glow 4-H
25J - Foods & Nutrition / Class B - Grades 6-8 / 06: Pumpkin bars (plate of 3, 2x2)
139 Pulvermacher, Grant 1117 White Wood Wittenberg Workers 4-H
211 Adamski, Charlotte 1702 Red Wood Webster 4-H
235 Van Hoof, Lyra 2253 Blue Wood Shady Lane 4-H
386 Weiler, Kamryn 3951 Red Wood Golden Glow 4-H
430 Juedes, Makayla 4343 Blue Wood McMillan Mavericks 4-H
25J - Foods & Nutrition / Class B - Grades 6-8 / 07: Yellow cake (corner piece, 4x4)
235 Van Hoof, Lyra 2247 Blue Wood Shady Lane 4-H
333 Hardesty, Dillon 3273 White Auburndale FFA
25J - Foods & Nutrition / Class B - Grades 6-8 / 08: Chocolate cake (corner piece, 4x4)
52 Maronde, Keira 415 White Wood Golden Glow 4-H
132 Hasenohrl, Ava 1078 Red Wood Kountry Kids 4-H
181 Hintz, Eliza 1454 Red Wood Wittenberg Workers 4-H
235 Van Hoof, Lyra 2254 Blue Wood Shady Lane 4-H
430 Juedes, Makayla 4344 Red Wood McMillan Mavericks 4-H
25J - Foods & Nutrition / Class B - Grades 6-8 / 09: Muffins made with fruit (plate of 3)
54 Stanton, Elsie 382 Pink Wood Badger 4-H
97 James, Reid 782 White Wood Golden Glow 4-H
132 Hasenohrl, Ava 1079 Blue Wood Kountry Kids 4-H
181 Hintz, Eliza 1455 White Wood Wittenberg Workers 4-H
272 Kawleski, Azleigh 2413 Red Wood Wittenberg Workers 4-H
386 Weiler, Kamryn 3954 Red Wood Golden Glow 4-H
419 Schill, Isabella 4214 Pink Wood Richfield 4-H
430 Juedes, Makayla 4346 Pink Wood McMillan Mavericks 4-H
366 Redmond, Izabella 5182 Red Wood
25J - Foods & Nutrition / Class B - Grades 6-8 / 10: Quick bread, containing no yeast (1 / 2 loaf); list type of bread
97 James, Reid 778 Red Wood Golden Glow 4-H
235 Van Hoof, Lyra 2250 Blue First Blue Wood Shady Lane 4-H
383 Huser, Hadlee 3881 Red Wood Snyder 4-H
419 Schill, Isabella 4212 White Wood Richfield 4-H
25J - Foods & Nutrition / Class B - Grades 6-8 / 11: Baking powder biscuits, made from scratch (plate of 3)
235 Van Hoof, Lyra 2252 Red Wood Shady Lane 4-H
25J - Foods & Nutrition / Class B - Grades 6-8 / 12: Single whole pie crust
235 Van Hoof, Lyra 2258 Blue Wood Shady Lane 4-H
25J - Foods & Nutrition / Class B - Grades 6-8 / 13: Wheat bread, using bread machine (1 / 2 loaf)
235 Van Hoof, Lyra 2256 Blue Wood Shady Lane 4-H
366 Redmond, Izabella 5181 Red Wood
25J - Foods & Nutrition / Class B - Grades 6-8 / 14: Gluten free cookie
238 Hohenstein, Brooklyn 1931 Red Wood Golden Glow 4-H
235 Van Hoof, Lyra 2257 Blue Wood Shady Lane 4-H
261 Borchardt, Allison 4120 Blue Wood Golden Glow 4-H
480 Lange, Emerson 4866 White Wood Snyder 4-H
502 Totzke, Brielle 4985 Red Girl Scouts
25J - Foods & Nutrition / Class B - Grades 6-8 / 17: A nutritious sack lunch; bring sack decorated with contents of lunch inside. DO NOT BRING FOOD!
97 James, Reid 781 Red Wood Golden Glow 4-H
139 Pulvermacher, Grant 1119 Blue Wood Wittenberg Workers 4-H
25J - Foods & Nutrition / Class B - Grades 6-8 / 20: Collection of 6 recipes that are your family favorites which may be added to previous year's collection of recipes
255 Musch, Anabela 2154 Red Wood Snyder 4-H
483 Otto, Alice 4843 Blue Wood North County Line 4-H
491 Maleport, Khloe 4939 Blue Wood Wittenberg Workers 4-H