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2024 Knox County Fair

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Viewing records 2101-2150 of 2962
Results last updated at: 01/21/2025 9:54 AMUpdating
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
Sheep / Breeding Ewes / Hampshire Yearling Ewe (HM)
624 Candler, Lauren 2535 2nd Breed Reserve Champion Knox Monroe City
Sheep / Breeding Ewes / Horned Dorset Ewe Lamb (HD)
150 Althoff, Jayna 1045 1st Breed Champion Knox Decker/St. Thomas
Sheep / Breeding Ewes / Horned Dorset Yearling Ewe (HD)
151 Althoff, Jon 1052 1st Breed Reserve Champion Knox Decker/St. Thomas
Sheep / Breeding Ewes / Natural Colored Ewe Lamb (NA)
370 Oakes, Max 2268 2nd Breed Reserve Champion Knox North Knox 4-H Club
369 Oakes, Laney 2279 Reserve Grand Champion Knox Knox County Junior Leaders
369 Oakes, Laney 2279 1st Breed Champion Knox Knox County Junior Leaders
Sheep / Breeding Ewes / Oxford Ewe Lamb (OX)
596 Decker, Chloe 2861 5th Overall Knox Decker/St. Thomas
596 Decker, Chloe 2861 1st Knox Decker/St. Thomas
597 Decker, Adron 2873 2nd Knox Decker/St. Thomas
Sheep / Breeding Ewes / Oxford Yearling Ewe (OX)
596 Decker, Chloe 2860 1st Breed Champion Knox Decker/St. Thomas
597 Decker, Adron 2874 2nd Breed Reserve Champion Knox Decker/St. Thomas
Sheep / Breeding Ewes / Shropshire Yearling Ewe (SH)
528 Noland, Abby 470 1st Breed Champion Knox Knox County Horse & Pony
Sheep / Breeding Ewes / Southdown Ewe Lamb (SD)
88 Hatfield, Brealynn 461 3rd Knox Knox County 4-H Livestock Club
88 Hatfield, Brealynn 462 2nd Knox Knox County 4-H Livestock Club
528 Noland, Abby 473 5th Knox Knox County Horse & Pony
151 Althoff, Jon 1049 4th Knox Decker/St. Thomas
369 Oakes, Laney 2278 3rd Overall Knox Knox County Junior Leaders
369 Oakes, Laney 2278 1st Breed Champion Knox Knox County Junior Leaders
Sheep / Breeding Ewes / Southdown Yearling Ewe (SD)
528 Noland, Abby 471 1st Breed Reserve Champion Knox Knox County Horse & Pony
369 Oakes, Laney 2276 2nd Knox Knox County Junior Leaders
Sheep / Breeding Ewes / Suffolk Yearling Ewe (SU)
82 Chattin, Addison 423 2nd Breed Reserve Champion Knox Monroe City
613 Chattin, Cameron 2968 1st Breed Champion Knox Monroe City
Sheep / Breeding Ram / Commercial Ram Lamb (CM)
242 McGiffen, David 1516 3rd Overall Knox Monroe City
242 McGiffen, David 1516 1st Breed Champion Knox Monroe City
370 Oakes, Max 2269 2nd Breed Reserve Champion Knox North Knox 4-H Club
Sheep / Breeding Ram / Oxford Ram Lamb (OX)
596 Decker, Chloe 2862 1st Breed Reserve Champion Knox Decker/St. Thomas
Sheep / Breeding Ram / Oxford Yearling Ram (OX)
597 Decker, Adron 2872 1st Breed Champion Knox Decker/St. Thomas
Sheep / Breeding Ram / Shropshire Ram Lamb (SH)
528 Noland, Abby 475 1st Breed Champion Knox Knox County Horse & Pony
Sheep / Breeding Ram / Southdown Ram Lamb (SD)
528 Noland, Abby 476 Grand Champion Knox Knox County Horse & Pony
528 Noland, Abby 476 1st Breed Champion Knox Knox County Horse & Pony
369 Oakes, Laney 2280 2nd Knox Knox County Junior Leaders
Sheep / Breeding Ram / Southdown Yearling Ram (SD)
88 Hatfield, Brealynn 463 Reserve Grand Champion Knox Knox County 4-H Livestock Club
88 Hatfield, Brealynn 463 1st Breed Reserve Champion Knox Knox County 4-H Livestock Club
Sheep / Knox County Sheep - Best Bred / Best Knox County Bred Ewe Lamb
548 Holscher, Ross 2596 1st Knox Monroe City
Sheep / Knox County Sheep - Best Bred / Best Knox County Bred Market Lamb
624 Candler, Lauren 2537 1st Knox Monroe City
Sheep / Knox County Sheep - Best Bred / Best Knox County Bred Ram
370 Oakes, Max 2272 1st Knox North Knox 4-H Club
Sheep / Knox County Sheep - Best Bred / Best Knox County Bred Yearling Ewe
624 Candler, Lauren 2536 1st Knox Monroe City
Sheep / Knox County Sheep Group / Ram and 2 Ewes
528 Noland, Abby 500 1st Knox Knox County Horse & Pony
369 Oakes, Laney 2282 2nd Knox Knox County Junior Leaders
Sheep / Market Lambs / All Other Breeds Market Lamb (AO)
270 Cardinal, Bryson 1637 1st Division Champion Knox Knox County 4-H Livestock Club
269 Cardinal, Bennett 1639 2nd Division Reserve Champion Knox Knox County 4-H Livestock Club
Sheep / Market Lambs / Blackface Commercial Market Lamb (BF)
71 Garretson, Mark 364 Grand Champion Knox Knox County 4-H Livestock Club
71 Garretson, Mark 364 1st Division Champion Knox Knox County 4-H Livestock Club
524 Keyes, Lauren 865 Reserve Grand Champion Knox Knox County Horse & Pony
524 Keyes, Lauren 865 2nd Division Reserve Champion Knox Knox County Horse & Pony
47 Westfall, Colton 1060 1st Knox Knox County 4-H Livestock Club
150 Althoff, Jayna 1215 1st Knox Decker/St. Thomas
243 McGiffen, Mackinlee 1522 3rd Knox Monroe City
260 Sprague, Leah 1600 2nd Knox Knox County 4-H Livestock Club
317 Candler, Avery 2044 2nd Knox Monroe City