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2024 Johnson County 4-H and FFA Fair

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Viewing records 1351-1400 of 2428
Results last updated at: 01/21/2025 10:00 AMUpdating
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
Rabbit / Fancy Breeds / 33593: Individual, Mini Satin, Senior Buck
223 Craig, Mackenzie 1688 Blue 1st Johnson Macbride's Pride
213 S., Cole 2149 Blue 2nd Johnson Sharp Shooters
Rabbit / Fancy Breeds / 33594: Individual, Mini Satin, Senior Doe
205 H., Greer 1918 Blue 1st Johnson Sharp Shooters
213 S., Cole 2150 Blue 3rd Johnson Sharp Shooters
213 S., Cole 2151 Blue 2nd Johnson Sharp Shooters
Rabbit / Fancy Breeds / 33595: Individual, Mini Satin, Junior Buck
205 H., Greer 1920 Blue 2nd Johnson Sharp Shooters
205 H., Greer 1921 Blue 1st Johnson Sharp Shooters
Rabbit / Fancy Breeds / 33596: Individual, Mini Satin, Junior Doe
205 H., Greer 1919 Best of Breed, Champion Junior Rabbit Showmanship, Reserve Champion Fancy Breed Rabbit, Reserve Grand Champion Johnson Sharp Shooters
205 H., Greer 1919 Purple 1st Johnson Sharp Shooters
Rabbit / Fancy Breeds / 33597: Individual, Netherland Dwarf, Senior Buck
31 Singbeil, Madison 100 Best of Breed, Reserve Champion Senior Rabbit Showmanship Johnson Macbride's Pride
31 Singbeil, Madison 100 Purple 1st Johnson Macbride's Pride
60 Ramsey, Leah 368 Blue 2nd Johnson Monroe Hustlers
Rabbit / Fancy Breeds / 33598: Individual, Netherland Dwarf, Senior Doe
60 Ramsey, Leah 369 Blue 1st Johnson Monroe Hustlers
Rabbit / Fancy Breeds / 33601: Individual, Polish, Senior Buck
95 Gingerich, Elsey 671 Best of Breed Johnson Deer Creek Ramblers
95 Gingerich, Elsey 671 Purple 1st Johnson Deer Creek Ramblers
Rabbit / Fancy Breeds / 33606: Individual, Rex, Senior Doe
218 S., Tyler 2134 Best of Breed Johnson Sharp Shooters
218 S., Tyler 2134 Purple 1st Johnson Sharp Shooters
Rabbit / Fancy Breeds / 33625: Individual, Silver Marten, Senior Buck
62 Meyer, Reece 345 Best of Breed Johnson Graham Champions
62 Meyer, Reece 345 Purple 1st Johnson Graham Champions
Rabbit / Fancy Breeds / 33642: Individual, Lionhead, Senior Doe
41 Trimpe, Shelbie 149 Best of Breed, Reserve Champion Junior Rabbit Showmanship Johnson Deer Creek Ramblers
41 Trimpe, Shelbie 149 Purple 1st Johnson Deer Creek Ramblers
41 Trimpe, Shelbie 150 Blue 3rd Johnson Deer Creek Ramblers
61 Wonick, Samantha 373 Blue 2nd Johnson Cosgrove Hustlers
Rabbit / Fur Classes / 33901: Normal White Breed Fur (New Zealand, Florida White, Mini-Lop, etc.)
88 Rourke, Cuyler 627 Champion White Colored Breed Fur Johnson Deer Creek Ramblers
88 Rourke, Cuyler 627 Blue 1st Johnson Deer Creek Ramblers
219 S., Megan 2782 Blue Johnson Sharp Shooters
Rabbit / Fur Classes / 33902: Normal Colored Breed Fur (Havana, Silver Marten, Holland Lop, etc.)
31 Singbeil, Madison 101 Blue Johnson Macbride's Pride
48 Keeler-Wilson, Aubrey 211 Blue Johnson Johnson Co. Horse & Pony Club
88 Rourke, Cuyler 628 Champion Normal Colored Breed Fur Johnson Deer Creek Ramblers
88 Rourke, Cuyler 628 Blue 1st Johnson Deer Creek Ramblers
95 Gingerich, Elsey 908 Blue Johnson Deer Creek Ramblers
121 Hopcus, Savannah 964 Blue Johnson Cosgrove Hustlers
209 Maier, April 1566 Blue Johnson Cosgrove Hustlers
224 Craig, Mackenna 1709 Red Johnson Macbride's Pride
Rabbit / Fur Classes / 33903: Rex Fur (Mini Rex and Rex)
218 S., Tyler 2131 Champion Rex Fur Johnson Sharp Shooters
218 S., Tyler 2131 Purple 1st Johnson Sharp Shooters
Rabbit / Fur Classes / 33904: Satin Fur (Satin and Mini Satin)
88 Rourke, Cuyler 629 Blue Johnson Deer Creek Ramblers
223 Craig, Mackenzie 1689 Blue Johnson Macbride's Pride
205 H., Greer 1922 Champion Satin Fur Johnson Sharp Shooters
205 H., Greer 1922 Blue 1st Johnson Sharp Shooters
213 S., Cole 2781 Blue Johnson Sharp Shooters
Rabbit / Fur Classes / 33905: Angora Wool (Jersey Wooly, English Angora, French Angora, Lionhead etc.)
41 Trimpe, Shelbie 151 Blue Johnson Deer Creek Ramblers
61 Wonick, Samantha 374 Champion Angora Wool Johnson Cosgrove Hustlers
61 Wonick, Samantha 374 Purple 1st Johnson Cosgrove Hustlers
Rabbit / Johnson County Bred Junior Rabbit / 33699: Johnson County Bred Junior Rabbit
88 Rourke, Cuyler 619 Champion Johnson County Bred Rabbit Johnson Deer Creek Ramblers
Rabbit / Production Classes / 33301: Light Market Pen of 3: Under 3 months (born April 29th or after) and not weighing more than 4 ½ lbs.
88 Rourke, Cuyler 608 Champion Light Weight Pen of 3 Johnson Deer Creek Ramblers
88 Rourke, Cuyler 608 Purple Johnson Deer Creek Ramblers
218 S., Tyler 2132 Reserve Champion Light Weight Pen of 3 Johnson Sharp Shooters
218 S., Tyler 2132 Blue Johnson Sharp Shooters
Rabbit / Production Classes / 33303: Single Fryer: Under 3 months (born April 29th or after) and not weighing over 5 ½ lbs.
88 Rourke, Cuyler 610 Champion Single Fryer Johnson Deer Creek Ramblers