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2024 Hendricks County 4-H Fair

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Viewing records 1501-1550 of 3776
Results last updated at: 01/21/2025 11:18 AMUpdating
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
Poultry / American Large Fowl / Plymouth Rocks / Barred Hen
880 Tennery, Branson 4760 Blue 1st Best of Variety, Reserve Best of Breed Hendricks Hendricks County Swine Club
Poultry / American Large Fowl / Plymouth Rocks / White Pullet
763 Colbert , Chloe 5589 Blue 1st Best of Breed, Best of Variety Hendricks
763 Colbert , Chloe 5590 Red 2nd Reserve Best of Variety Hendricks
Poultry / American Large Fowl / Rhode Island Reds / Single Comb Cockerel
148 Mcmichael , Archie 621 Red 2nd Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY 4-H POULTRY CLUB
148 Mcmichael , Archie 1909 Blue 1st Reserve Best of Breed Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY 4-H POULTRY CLUB
Poultry / American Large Fowl / Rhode Island Reds / Single Comb Hen
148 Mcmichael , Archie 622 Red 2nd Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY 4-H POULTRY CLUB
148 Mcmichael , Archie 623 Blue 1st Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY 4-H POULTRY CLUB
199 Laird, Weston 1117 White 3rd Hendricks HAPPY FARMERS
378 Summers, Brooklynne 1986 Multi-color 4th Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY 4-H POULTRY CLUB
413 Foutch, Lucy 2145 Green 6th Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY 4-H POULTRY CLUB
880 Tennery, Branson 4750 Multi-color 5th Hendricks Hendricks County Swine Club
Poultry / American Large Fowl / Rhode Island Reds / Single Comb Pullet
148 Mcmichael , Archie 624 Lavender Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY 4-H POULTRY CLUB
148 Mcmichael , Archie 624 Blue 1st Best of Breed, Class Reserve Champion Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY 4-H POULTRY CLUB
148 Mcmichael , Archie 625 Red 2nd Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY 4-H POULTRY CLUB
857 Stephens, Annabell 4950 Multi-color 4th Hendricks HAPPY FARMERS
857 Stephens, Annabell 5593 White 3rd Hendricks HAPPY FARMERS
Poultry / American Large Fowl / Wyandottes / Blue Cock
199 Laird, Weston 1119 Blue 1st Hendricks HAPPY FARMERS
Poultry / American Large Fowl / Wyandottes / Blue Cockerel
720 Fox, Easton 3957 Blue 1st Best of Variety Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY 4-H POULTRY CLUB
Poultry / American Large Fowl / Wyandottes / Blue Pullet
720 Fox, Easton 3958 Blue 1st Reserve Best of Variety Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY 4-H POULTRY CLUB
Poultry / American Large Fowl / Wyandottes / Golden Laced Cock
370 Spurlock, Jase 5597 Blue 1st Hendricks
Poultry / American Large Fowl / Wyandottes / Golden Laced Hen
321 Kopeschka, Carolyn 1526 Red 2nd Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY 4-H POULTRY CLUB
370 Spurlock, Jase 5598 Blue 1st Reserve Best of Variety Hendricks
Poultry / American Large Fowl / Wyandottes / Golden Laced Pullet
192 Dugan, Samuel 3902 Blue 1st Best of Variety Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY 4-H POULTRY CLUB
857 Stephens, Annabell 5025 Red 2nd Hendricks HAPPY FARMERS
857 Stephens, Annabell 5594 White 3rd Hendricks
Poultry / American Large Fowl / Wyandottes / Silver Laced Cock
148 Mcmichael , Archie 617 Blue 1st Reserve Best of Variety Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY 4-H POULTRY CLUB
148 Mcmichael , Archie 618 Red 2nd Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY 4-H POULTRY CLUB
Poultry / American Large Fowl / Wyandottes / Silver Laced Hen
148 Mcmichael , Archie 619 Blue 1st Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY 4-H POULTRY CLUB
193 Dugan, Anna 3888 Red 2nd Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY 4-H POULTRY CLUB
Poultry / American Large Fowl / Wyandottes / Silver Laced Pullet
148 Mcmichael , Archie 620 Purple Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY 4-H POULTRY CLUB
148 Mcmichael , Archie 620 Blue 1st Best of Breed, Best of Variety, Class Champion Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY 4-H POULTRY CLUB
Poultry / Asiatic Large Fowl / Brahmas / Buff Hen
199 Laird, Weston 1118 Lavender Hendricks HAPPY FARMERS
199 Laird, Weston 1118 Red 2nd Class Reserve Champion, Reserve Best of Variety Hendricks HAPPY FARMERS
880 Tennery, Branson 4755 Purple Hendricks Hendricks County Swine Club
880 Tennery, Branson 4755 Blue 1st Best of Breed, Best of Variety, Class Champion Hendricks Hendricks County Swine Club
Poultry / Asiatic Large Fowl / Brahmas / Light Cock
6 Glenn, Liam 341 Blue 1st Reserve Best of Variety Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY 4-H POULTRY CLUB
Poultry / Asiatic Large Fowl / Brahmas / Light Hen
6 Glenn, Liam 340 Blue 1st Best of Variety Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY 4-H POULTRY CLUB
Poultry / Bantams / Old English Game Bantam / Black Breasted Red Cock
148 Mcmichael , Archie 627 Blue 1st Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY 4-H POULTRY CLUB
148 Mcmichael , Archie 628 Red 2nd Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY 4-H POULTRY CLUB
Poultry / Bantams / Old English Game Bantam / Black Breasted Red Cockerel
148 Mcmichael , Archie 629 Lavender Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY 4-H POULTRY CLUB
148 Mcmichael , Archie 629 Blue 1st Best of Variety, Class Reserve Champion, Reserve Best of Breed Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY 4-H POULTRY CLUB
148 Mcmichael , Archie 630 Red 2nd Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY 4-H POULTRY CLUB
Poultry / Bantams / Old English Game Bantam / Black Breasted Red Hen
148 Mcmichael , Archie 631 Red 2nd Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY 4-H POULTRY CLUB
148 Mcmichael , Archie 632 Blue 1st Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY 4-H POULTRY CLUB
Poultry / Bantams / Old English Game Bantam / Black Breasted Red Pullet
148 Mcmichael , Archie 633 Blue 1st Reserve Best of Variety Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY 4-H POULTRY CLUB
148 Mcmichael , Archie 634 Red 2nd Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY 4-H POULTRY CLUB
Poultry / Bantams / Old English Game Bantam / Silver Duckwing Cock
239 Billmeier, Judah 2202 Blue 1st Reserve Best of Variety Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY 4-H POULTRY CLUB
Poultry / Bantams / Old English Game Bantam / Silver Duckwing Cockerel
148 Mcmichael , Archie 640 Purple Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY 4-H POULTRY CLUB
148 Mcmichael , Archie 640 Blue 1st Best in Show, Best of Breed, Best of Variety, Class Champion Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY 4-H POULTRY CLUB
Poultry / Bantams / Old English Game Bantam / Silver Duckwing Hen
239 Billmeier, Judah 2203 Blue 1st Hendricks HENDRICKS COUNTY 4-H POULTRY CLUB