2024 Indiana State Fair Exhibits and Events

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Viewing records 3801-3850 of 10158
Results last updated at: 01/21/2025 11:02 AMUpdating
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
State Projects / Floriculture (FL) / 24021: Level B, Floral Display (FL)
1977 Carter, Chloe 3143 Orange Miami
2148 Broughton, Maverick 3485 Blue Crawford
2293 Cooksey, Harper 3637 Orange Montgomery
2303 Carpenter, Malea 3638 Blue Montgomery
2357 Thrush, Chloe 3771 Deck planter with 3 kinds of flowers. Blue DeKalb
2402 Graves, Grace 3862 Dried Arrangement Blue Morgan
2404 Rinehart, Clint 3863 House Plant Red Morgan
2598 Yeager, Sarah 4187 Orange Clinton
2603 Schimmel, Peytyn 4188 Blue Clinton
2708 Bateman, Brylee 4395 floral display Blue Martin
2748 Phillips, Ivy 4396 Succulents in planter Blue Martin
2821 Esarey, Grayson 4530 Mixed pot with foliage and flowering plants Blue Perry
2843 Freed, McKenna 4600 Mixed flower planter Blue Wells
2849 Nichols, Ellie 4601 A mixed planter Blue Wells
2875 Molnar, Lucas 4745 Blue St Joseph
2953 Guard, Anna 4746 Blue St Joseph
3114 Harmon, Charlotte 5037 Potted plants and flowers Blue Johnson
3120 Harrell, Sophie 5038 flower arrangement Blue Johnson
3377 Isom, Norah 5378 Grown and cared for house plant/mixed planter Orange Lawrence
3329 Miller, Gabi 5456 Orange Jay
2337 Swan, Ily 5867 Blue Owen
2337 Swan, Ily 5868 Blue Owen
3726 Wollowski, Emma 5895 Red Vigo
3757 Bartlett, Elizabeth 6022 Red Monroe
3803 Fulford, Brooke 6023 Orange Monroe
3931 Heilman, Eleanor 6272 House Plant Blue Warrick
3961 Day, Kelsey 6331 Flowers Blue Clark Golden Falcons 4-H Club
4034 Kelly, Marissa 6427 Orange Elkhart
4002 Ramirez, Edith 6462 Flowers Blue Clark Tunnel Mill Tigers 4-H Club
4223 Wehr, Layn 6695 Orange Dubois
4382 Asmus, Evelyn 6961 Blue Hamilton
4410 Roland, Nola 6962 Blue Hamilton
2097 Stamper, Madelyn 7013 Orange Pulaski
4548 Pulido, Taylor 7215 Jack Skellington cauldron Blue Starke
4549 Podell , Riley 7216 Orange Starke
4772 Rzadkosz, Gabriel 7559 Orange Lake
4783 Papiez, Morgan 7560 Blue Lake
4845 Wright, Jordyn 7651 Mixed Planter Orange Cass
4993 Colanese, Olivia 7975 Blue Marshall Junior Green Clodhoppers 4-H Club
5020 Walker, Brynn 8012 Dried floral display piece Orange Jasper
5059 Lehe, Jayden 8013 Live floral arrangement Blue Jasper
5079 Kirkpatrick, Lucas 8227 Blue Fountain
5089 Patton, Rose 8228 Blue Fountain
5232 Reed, Gracie 8418 Blue Randolph
5457 Adams, Danielle 8740 Orange Adams
5459 Kindred , Saryn 8741 Blue Adams
5473 Buchanan, Chase 8778 Large Fern Blue Boone Clinton Country Kids
5603 Krom, Hayden 8957 Red Wabash
5629 Brubaker, Ainslee 8958 Red Wabash
5773 Greenwood, Kensley 9199 Blue Clay